The following are examples of advertising and marketing strategies to help your coalition be successful:
• The best group promotion available is neighbors talking to neighbors.
• Websites – it goes without saying that having a landowner coalition website in this day and age is an absolute MUST. A website can provide a means for information sharing, communications, and advertising for your coalition.
• Coalition Fliers – Posting fliers with cut out tabs with web addresses and phone numbers is a great and inexpensive way to help promote your coalition. Such fliers can be hung up in public places such as bulletin boards found in post offices, grocery stores, gas stations, churches - anywhere there are public bulletin boards, etc and can go a long way in helping to promote your coalition. Here is an example of a flier that you can customize for your own landowner coalition.
• Business Cards – Can be a very effective and economical way to get the word out about your landowner coalition. Business cards can easily be handed out when talking to neighbors or potential members, can be left in public places or in places like gas stations or other stores (always ask the store manager first).
Because of the significant economic impact that natural gas development can have on a local economy, area merchants may be more than willing to let you hang up or place materials like business cards and flyers in their stores.
• Newspapers ads can be a great way to reach a very large audience quickly, but may be cost prohibitive as a long term strategy, however, newspaper ads can be very effective when utilized. When you contact your local newspaper advertising contact, let them know you are advertising for a community group and in many cases they will give you a discount on ad costs.